Carbon Neutral Clothing is focused on making it simple for anyone to calculate and reduce their Carbon Footprint, for free!
Find Out MoreIt should be fairly obvious from even light reading of popular and scientific media that we are currently in the midst of a climate crisis, and that the way we are accustomed to living needs to change to adjust so that the crisis doesn’t continue to accelerate.
But is it realistic to expect us to change our lifestyles overnight? We’ve each worked hard to carve out our place in life, and whilst most of us are keen to reduce our impact on the environment, it is not obvious how we do this without incurring extra financial cost or inconveniencing ourselves massively.
Reducing our carbon footprint is not as easy as it should be. Many of us understand the need for change, and yet it can feel like we need to change everything to change anything.
Carbon Neutral Clothing has been set up to help all of us make decisions that work for us as well as for the environment. We’re here to educate us all as to how we should really be living, but also to make it easier for us to migrate to a carbon neutral lifestyle. Where we have to make a choice that suits us better than the environment, we will provide a way to offset that choice. Where we see an opportunity to make that choice easier in the future, we will take it.
By monitoring your fashion purchases and offsetting associated carbon costs of production and delivery, Carbon Neutral Clothing allows you to start making small changes today.
Get Started!We are partnering with your current favourite brands, so you can start making a difference today. We're also partnering with sustainable fashion brands to support the brands of the future.
Whether or not you purchase from fast or sustainable fashion brands, we want you to be confident that you can still reduce your carbon footprint whilst shopping online. We'll handle reducing your carbon footprint and provide the tools for you to monitor how you're doing!
We are launching mid 2020, but would love for you to be involved. We're looking for like minded individuals who are willing to help guide our products, or want to be Beta testers before we launch.
Simply click below, enter your email address, and we'll get in touch.
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